0 to 2.5 Years

Children in this age group are vulnerable and the pace of learning is outstanding. They learn by imitation and are quick to adapt to new things. Children at this age need new experiences to stimulate their minds. Also, it becomes really important for parents to know the different behaviors they show during these times so that they can provide better experiences and their understanding of the child becomes more transparent. Maa Foundation has come up with sessions that will help parents enable their expertise in child-rearing and see the child develop holistically. 


Parents Child Age 0 to 2.5 Years

2.5 to 5 Years

Children during this age start to learn things faster and need our assistance in the learning process too. As parents, if we give them different experiences during this time, they will tend to develop holistically. Also, these are the ages where they will start to behave more stubbornly, might hit, might speak inappropriately, so it becomes important for us to also focus on different behavioral development strategies which will help both parties in the long run. To help parents in this journey, Maa Foundation has come up with sessions that will help parents enable their expertise in child-rearing and see the child develop holistically. 


Parents Child Age 2.5 to 5 Years

5 to 8 Years

Here are parenting sessions for parents whose children are between 5 to 8 years of age. This is a series of 6 sessions covering important topics of child development in these crucial years. All the sessions aim to develop a child holistically through better parental understanding and improving the way they treat/handle the child. Better parenting will hence lead to happier families and healthier societies.


Parents Child Age 5 to 8 Years

9 to 12 Years

Here are parenting sessions for parents whose children are between 9 to 12 years of age. At this pre-teen and teen age parents face many challanges. We shall talk on your child's behavioral changes; parent-child relationships, and other important topics of child development in these crucial years during these sessions. This is a series of 4 sessions. All the sessions aim to develop a child holistically through better parental understanding and improving the way they treat/handle the child. Better parenting will hence lead to happier families and healthier societies.


Parents Child Age 9 to 11 Years